Nepalese Children's Education Fund
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2004 NCEF Financial Reports

Fourth Quarter 2004

In the US:
Balance from last quarter: $9043.25
Income (Donations): $12316.55
Total Expenses: $83.77
Balance: $21279.03

This quarter we were charged $68.77 in Paypal fees for donations received online. We also spent $15.00 to in filing fees to file the Massachusetts corporate annual report. This expense of $15 was donated by our treasurer.

In Kathmandu
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 48815.2
Expenses: Rs. 7312
Balance: Rs. 41503.2

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 5145
School Supplies: Rs. 846
Refreshments: Rs. 856
Transportation: Rs. 260
Miscellaneous: Rs. 205

In Nepalgunj
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 9209.9
Expenses: Rs. 2580
Balance: Rs. 6629.9

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 1815
School Uniforms: Rs. 555
Books and supplies: Rs. 210

In Kavre
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 38071
Expenses: Rs. 7400
Balance: Rs. 30671

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 6755
Books and supplies: Rs. 645

Third Quarter 2004

In the US:
Balance from last quarter: $5462.71
Income (Donations): $3628.91
Total Expenses: $48.37
Balance: $9043.25

This quarter we were charged $34.21 in Paypal fees for donations received online. All other expenses incurred this quarter ($15.91) were paid directly by members as donations to NCEF. There are typically less expenses in the third quarter since most school fees are paid several months in advance.

In Kathmandu
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 62824.2
Expenses: Rs. 14009
Balance: Rs. 48815.2

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 2400
School Supplies: Rs. 650
Refreshments: Rs. 1275
Transportation: Rs. 560
Document Services: Rs. 1010
Miscellaneous: Rs. 8064

You may notice that misc is unusually high. This is because 7,854 NRS of that was actually used for books/school fees/school supplies but those receipts have not been broken down yet. Once we have that information the records will be updated. Document Services consists of photcopies and scans as part of our applicaiton process. Transportation refers to any transportation costs incurred in monitoring visits.

In Nepalgunj
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 11981.9
Expenses: Rs. 2772
Balance: Rs. 9209.9

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 1950
School Supplies: Rs. 822

In Kavre
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 38071
Expenses: Rs. 0
Balance: Rs. 38071

Second Quarter 2004

In the US:
Balance from last quarter: $5481.99
Income (Donations): $1187.55
Total Expenses: $1206.83
Balance: $5462.71

Starting this quarter NCEF has started operations in two new regions in addition to Kathmandu. We now support students in Kavre and Nepalgunj. As a result, financial reports from now on will have a separate section for each region rather than just one for Nepal.

This quarter we had to make a large money transfer to fund our two new regions. We made the mistake of using Western Union and the transfer fee summed up to $111.55. The cost was covered as a donation by one of the board members but from now on we will make all transfers exclusively through bank transfers.

Other expenses this quarter included $20 for phone calls to Nepal (covered by donations from board members), $58 to renew our PO box and $17.28 in Paypal fees. All other expenses incurred this quarter ($131.55) were paid directly by members as donations to NCEF.

In Katmandu
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 101005
Expenses: Rs. 38180.8
Balance: Rs. 62824.2

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 23055
School Supplies: Rs. 4146.5
School Uniforms: Rs. 6245
Refreshments: Rs. 945
Transportation: Rs. 220
Document Services: Rs. 172

Document Services consists of photcopies and scans as part of our applicaiton process. Transportation refers to any transportation costs incurred in monitoring visits.

In Nepalgunj
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 0
Expenses: Rs. 8168.1
Balance: Rs. 11981.9

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 2435
School Supplies: Rs. 2947.1
School Uniforms: Rs. 2636
Miscellaneous: Rs. 150

Miscellaneous fees comprised bank transfer fees of Rs. 150.

In Kavre
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 0
Expenses: Rs. 10979
Balance: Rs. 38071

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 4610
School Supplies: Rs. 2843
School Uniforms: Rs. 3526

First Quarter 2004

In the US:
Balance from last quarter: $4770.74
Income (Donations): $801.18
Total Expenses: $89.93
Balance: $5481.99

Expenses for this quarter include web hosting, domain name renewal, communications to Nepal and postage costs. This quarter we were charged $23.75 in Paypal fees for donations received online. All other expenses incurred this quarter ($66.18) were paid directly by members as donations to NCEF.

In Nepal
Balance from last quarter: Rs. 109956
Expenses: Rs. 8951
Balance: Rs. 101005

Breakdown of Expenses
School Fees: Rs. 4861
Office Supplies: Rs. 1478
Refreshments: Rs. 1030
Transportation: Rs. 400
Document Services: Rs. 192
Miscellaneous: Rs. 990

Document Services consists of photcopies and scans as part of our applicaiton process. Transportation refers to any transportation costs incurred in monitoring visits.

NCEF is a 501 (c) (3) charitable organization.
US Taxpayer ID: 51-0424140
© Copyright Nepalese Children's Education Fund 2012.